St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School provides a quality Catholic Education where instruction of traditional values meets a rigorous challenging academic curriculum, and where students receive the solid foundation framework necessary to acquire the industry accepted credential of the 21st century.

In a recent interview, the CEO of DOW CHEMICAL CORP stated that the chemical industry needs 1.2 million engineers and scientists, annually. But the USA universities currently only provide 250,000 candidates—just a fraction of the requirement. St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School can provide the solid foundation and enthusiasm for math, science, and the essential communication skills to springboard your child to such a technical career profession.

Catholic schools:

We work with each child to identify and cultivate specific interests and goals in a challenging and stimulating educational environment. We celebrate the fact that everyone learns differently.
Preparation for success

Have proven time and time again to instill a sense of morals, ethics, andpatience towards one another.

Nurturing Environment

Are run with a greater focus on the needs of the child as an individual.

Nurturing Environment

Have a teaching and administrative staff that tends to pay closer attention to the growth and development of the students.

Private school students:

Who complete at least the eighth grade in a private school are twice as likely another students to graduate from college as a young adult.

Are much more likely than others to take advanced-level high school courses.

Thrive when allowed to learn in a safe and supportive environment.

Are significantly more likely than others to feel safe and be safe in their schools.

Have more parents (over 75%) who are “very satisfied” with their child’s private school compared with less than half of parents whose children attend public school.

Who are identified as minority students in private schools are more than twice as likely to enter four-year colleges as their counterparts in public schools.

Perform better than their public school counterparts on standardized achievement tests.

Are racially, ethnically, and economically diverse. Twenty-three percent of private school students are students of color; twenty-eight percent are from families with annual incomes under $50,000.

Have a significantly higher participation rate in community service projects than their public school counterparts. Statistical references provided by: The Bureau of Justice Statistics, The Horatio Alger Association, U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Public Agenda, and the U.S. Census Bureau.