Fundraising / Scrip

Pick-A-Day to Donate

  • The goal for each family is to sell out their family calendar for a total of $465. Any day on the calendar could be the Grand Prize Winner. The closer we reach to our school goal for the year will lessen the fundraising of each event later in the year. If everyone sells out their calendar, we will hit our $120,000 fundraising goal easily this year. Every dollar over our annual goal goes straight back to the students in programs & materials!
  • How it works
    The day you choose the donation amount, September 15th, then it costs them $15. Each family must sell a minimum
    of $150 of days, but work to sell out the entire calendar. Each family will have a dedicated online page to send out to
    family and friends. Please track your online sales along with your paper calendar sales. We will combine all your
    online sales with your paper sales. Please be on the lookout for your invitation to your family calendar.


What Is Scrip?

When you purchase scrip, you’re purchasing gift certificates and prepaid cards that are used just like cash. You can use scrip to purchase everyday expenses like food, clothing, and other essentials.

How scrip is an easy fundraiser for St. Peter the Apostle School

The Great Lakes Scrip Center acts on behalf of churches, schools and other non-profit organizations to purchase large amounts of scrip from grocery stores, department stores, and other retailers. Because the scrip is purchased with cash up front, the participating retailers offer a substantial discount. The discount, anywhere from two to fifteen percent or even more, is what is earned for St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School. On our order form, next to each participating retailer, you will notice a percentage. This percentage is what we earn for that particular retailer. Some are more than 20%!

Scrip is “shopping cart fundraising”

Scrip is a popular fundraiser because families don’t have to sell anything. St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School benefits from our families making regular household purchases they would make anyway. Groceries, clothing, toys, gifts, and even gasoline can be purchased with scrip. This is a very easy and effective way to fundraise for our school.

How do I get started?

Take a few minutes and look over the attached Scrip order form. Think of all the shopping you normally do; grocery, gasoline, food, etc., then simply order the amount from each retailer you want. Bring your completed form and check made payable to SPACS SCRIP to the office, and we will process your order. In a few days your scrip gift cards will be sent home for you to use. It’s that easy! Please Check the Order Form for Due Date.
You can download the order form here.

You can Order Online, too!

Use Our School ID 9ADF16DE8927